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                 Choosing the right distance


   Time and effort based training to develope you cardiovasular engine. Get your engine started now!



                                         Building your base/Aerobic running

  *Running require's you to develope a strong body and a strong cardiovasular system. If you have not begun a walking program or you are not active at all, we require you to put time into yourself and your fitness by joining this great beginners group. The training method is based on time on your feet, and the effert required.  Training your aerobic system is the most important key in a successful runner. Aerobic running mean you are running with oxygen. You are running at the intensity, effort aka spped that requires uxygen with in a bodys ability to assimlate, transport and utilize oxygen. This is conversational running with careful consideration not to cross over the anaerobic theshold to soon in base training. This will give you a great base in which to start training for any finish line.


                                                                  Lets begin with the 5k

*The 5k is an excellent goal for the new runner. 3.1 is the perfect distance even for the couch potato. You can be ready for the 5k with just 6-8 weeks of base building and aerobic training. We can help you get to the thrill of the finish line!


      Advance runners:

*If you are already running the distance with at least one 5k and are ready to challenge yourself and work on a time, we can help you set a personal reacord!   Back to base building..........Yep-a!  A personal record. PR



*The 10k is a very popular distance especially with those who have already done the 5k but don't feel ready to take on the half marathon. Some of these popular races are now awarding finishers medals. This distance has become verey popular and very achievable. Challange yourself with this distance after completing a great base is fun to do. We can help you get to the thrill of the finish line!


                                           13.1 The Half Marathon

*Ready to train for your first Half Marathon? Never ran this distance before does require you to train and  complete 24 weeks of the Lydiard pryrmid .  if you are already running this distance.....Welcome!  You will always benefit from completing  our aerobic, strenght, anaerobic, coordination, taper and peak  training sessions. You can never have enough base work and I bet you set  some PRs along the way. I have not met a athlete yet who hasn't! We can help you reach the thrill of this finish line!




*These events are a great way to enjoy and show case your team effort. Both team members recieve a rist band and  will share the same timing chip usally placed on the shoe and swaped at a transition point. #1 member will start out the race with running the distance of 7 miles. #2 will run the remainder of the race, 7.6. In some cases runner #1 can join runner #2 in the end of the race and finish together! You then receive your finishers medel and have the opportunity to have your photo taken as you cross the finish line.


                           26.2  The Marathon

 *Ready to take on 26.2, the grand daddy of them all? We can help you reach your full potential. This program requires you to complete our 24 weeks of our Lydiard training pryimid and requires you to have been running  no less than 6 to 12 months prior. You must have some races completed within the past year. Running a marathon is one of the most challening and rewarding events that any of us can experience. This takes preparation and mental discipline. We can help you go beyond your limiltations and reach your inner strenghts to get you to the thrill of the finish line!




 *********In any training program, check with your Doctor before starting any excercise  program.*********

Running and racing an event teaches us to challange ourselves is a very personal way. It teaches us to push ourselves beyond our limits, beyond what we think we can do. It helps us to find out what we are made of. Believing in yourself through your hard work, acheiving the goal you have set before yourself and finishing the race you have started.  Join us as we Celebrate our hard work together in a race or you may wish to run in memory of a loved one.

                                                  Train. Race. Repeat!

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